Our story

Coffee without the bitter
taste of pollution

500.000.000.000 single-use coffee cups and mountains of coffee grounds in and alongside our regular waste stream and landfill. That’s probably not what you want to think about with your first coffee of the day, right?

Coffee without the bitter taste of polution

500.000.000.000 single-use coffee cups en bergen aan coffee grounds in en naast onze reguliere afvalstroom en vuilnisbelt.
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That’s probably not what you want to think about with your first coffee of the day, right?

The problem of

Coffee waste & plastic waste

Elk jaar worden wereldwijd ongeveer 500 miljard wegwerpbekers gebruikt en weggegooid, wat leidt tot enorme hoeveelheden plastic afval dat honderden jaren kan duren om af te breken. Deze bekers, vaak bekleed met plastic, zijn moeilijk te recyclen en dragen bij aan de vervuiling van onze oceanen, waarbij schadelijke microplastics worden vrijgegeven die het zeeleven ernstig bedreigen.

Daarnaast wordt jaarlijks ongeveer 18 miljoen ton koffieafval geproduceerd, dat meestal op stortplaatsen terechtkomt en broeikasgassen zoals methaan uitstoot tijdens de ontbinding. Het aanpakken van deze problemen door de overstap naar herbruikbare bekers zoals de NeRoo Cup biedt een duurzame oplossing en helpt bij het verminderen van zowel plastic afval als koffieafval, waardoor een positieve impact op het milieu wordt gerealiseerd.
Each year, around 500 billion disposable cups are used and thrown away worldwide, leading to huge amounts of plastic waste that can take hundreds of years to degrade.
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These cups, often coated in plastic, are difficult to recycle and contribute to the pollution of our oceans, releasing harmful microplastics that seriously threaten sea life.

In addition, about 18 million tonnes of coffee waste is produced annually, most of which ends up in landfills and emits greenhouse gases such as methane during decomposition. Addressing these issues by switching to reusable cups offers a sustainable solution and helps reduce both plastic waste and coffee waste, making a positive impact on the environment.

More about

Grounds Up

Coffee is the engine on which you, your colleagues and sometimes even entire companies operate. Should that engine really be as polluting as an ancient car? Lukas Van Quickelberghe, founder of Grounds Up, does not think so. He started working with coffee grounds and discovered that it is a fantastic raw material with enormous potential.

Ending coffee waste together

Grounds Up is fortunately not the only one worried about the massive amounts of coffee waste. This team joined forces with Cordeel Group. Their ultimate mission: to become the absolute world leader in upcycling coffee waste. At progressive partners such as Ikea … 

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… Grounds Up collects coffee grounds for a sustainable transformation. But a transformation to what? And to whom?

Enter NeRoo! The reusable coffee cups made from coffee grounds are the ideal way to make businesses enjoy every well-earned cup of coffee carefree again. And they look good too.

The NeRoo Cup is just the beginning of an uplifting future. Curious about all the amazing possibilities of coffee grounds? Go take a look at the Grounds Up website and get inspired.

Your coffee moment is important,

Your coffee moment
is important,

So is our world

NeRoo, like you, wants only the best from coffee. Without the bitter taste of pollution. That’s why NeRoo transforms coffee grounds into sustainable and cool cups, ready to give your team and business a real energy boost.

We believe

NeRoo is the perfect companion
for your business

NeRoo is the perfect companion
for your business

Ready to taste if the upcycled NeRoo Cups leave you wanting more? Businesses can reach out to us to access our pre-sale with exclusive prices and advantages.


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NeRoo Cup